About us

Sector-wide non-profit, non-political and all-inclusive member-based organization.

 Our overall goal is to engage and influence the agricultural-sector ‘public-policy-development’ for sustainable development outcomes, through sector policy analysis & research, public-private policy dialogue, participatory governance and capacity building in sector governance and development

We engage and influence 

Agricultural-sector public-policy-development in Kenya

Capacity Building

For sustainable development outcomes


Sector  Policy analysis and research

For better  sector governance and development

Our vision 

A highly remunerative agriculture sector to all value chain actors


To effectively deliver progressive change in the agriculture through focused, differentiated actions for an optimal consultative function

Our Interventions

Plugging the void

Over the years, we have collaborated with different partners to  bring together private sector players in the agricultural sector for a structured and purpose-driven public-private engagement process


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