Agck programs
Strengthening the enabling environment for transforming the potato value chain- SEETPVC
‘Strengthening the enabling environment for transforming the potato value chain- SEETPVC’ is a two year project supported by the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) through Agricultural Council of Kenya (AgCK). The project aims at creating an enabling environment for implementation of the potato regulations by creating awareness,
Agck programs
ASDS review as a task force member and member of various thematic working
The government of Kenya through the Ministry of Agriculture Livestock and Fisheries is in the process of developing a new more responsive agriculture sector strategy that seeks to bench mark on the achievements of the just concluded Agriculture Sector Development Strategy while encompassing the realities and challenges facing the Kenyan
Agck programs
CAADP NSAs sensitization and monitoring of implementation progress
The Comprehensive African Agricultural Development Program (CAADP) is “a pan-African framework to help countries critically review their own situations and identify investment opportunities with optimal impact and returns in the agriculture sector”. Inherent in this definition is the expectation of Non State Actors (NSA) to be more active in the